Since the earthquake in Haiti in 2010, olVIDAdos is especially sensitive to the dramatic circumstances that many people in other countries are going through, due to natural disasters and wars. The helplessness that affects these people is especially serious because in most cases there are not enough national or international institutions that have the capacity and/or the will to adequately attend to their needs. They depend, therefore, to a large extent on the aid that can come to them from various NGOs, which are not usually enough either.
olVIDAdos approaches this activity from the firm conviction that all human beings, regardless of race, sex, beliefs or nationalities, are deserving of the necessary help to be able to live in such a way that they can fully develop all the capacities with which they were born. For this reason, although these humanitarian aid campaigns represent a great financial and human effort, we consider that they are a way of contributing, within our possibilities, to help vulnerable people who have had to flee hunger, misery and wars. unwanted, endangering their lives.
olVIDAdos in 2016, he displaced a team of people with two members of his board of directors at the helm and stayed for a little over a year in Greece caring for refugees from different camps in northern Greece near the border with Albania. They were periodically sending 22-ton trailers with food and essential products. In total, 6 trailers were sent with a total of 132 tons.
To meet these humanitarian needs, periodic campaigns are organized to collect food and donations of essential products that are sent to affected areas such as the refugee camps in Greece and Bosnia and in Turkey, on the Syrian border. Usually, to guarantee the deliveries, a team is sent and relationships are established with local entities that are in the field with whom permanent contact is maintained and care projects for women and children are maintained.


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