
Quiero donar


You can help by making an income to our organization or collaborate occasionally with one of our current projects. Many families at risk of social exclusion depend on us.
Participate in our projects!

It is mandatory to fill out this form to receive the Donation Certificate, even if you don’t want it, it is still mandatory for us to have all the donor data.



    olVIDAdos will process your personal data in order to manage and process your request and send you information – even by electronic means – about activities, campaigns, and similar initiatives. To exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, portability and opposition, send an email to

    Metodos de pago


    olVIDAdos will process your personal data in order to manage and process your request and send you information – including by electronic means – about activities, campaigns, and similar initiatives. The ‘Privacy Policy’ indicates how you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, portability and opposition.




    General project account: Nª ES89 2100 1098 1113 0107 5540

    Turkey/siri earthquake campaign: ES52 2100 1098 1913 0058 3151

    Data Protection Act

    In application of Organic Law 15/1999, we inform you that the data collected in this form is processed by Olvidados NGO, incorporated into the DONATIONS file registered in the AEPD to manage volunteer work in accordance with Law 6/1996, of 15 of January, Law 26/2015 of July 28 and Law 45/2015. In no case will they be transferred without your consent for different purposes. You can exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition through, proving your ownership according to law.



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